About global headers & footers
Global headers and footers make it easy to use the same header and footer on all your web pages and emails. Any changes you make to a global header or footer will be instantly applied to all the pages and emails that use them.
Creating and using global headers & footers
The content builder in this submodule lets you entirely and quickly customize the look and design of your headers & footers, for your websites and emails, which are then available for use in all of your events.
Building a header/footer is done similarly to building a normal webpage, this tool however was created to assist you in the creation of headers & footers, specifically.
Video: Creating a global header/footer
Steps to create a global Header/Footer
1. To create a header/footer, first select the tab Webpage or Emails at the top, and click on the + button in the top right-hand corner.
2. In the builder, drag and drop the header/footer block and the other sections that you would like to add to your header/footer. Make sure to publish the changes once you are done.
3. Inside an event, go to the Website or Email marketing module, and select (all of) your web pages. Click the actions menu, and select "Add header" and/or "Add footer".
4. Open the page/email, and drag and drop the section "Global header/footer". Make sure to publish the changes.
5. Open the website / send yourself an email to preview the design.