Azavista lets you quickly generate the following documents from your list of participants:
- Generating certificates for each participant (PDF)
- Merging participants into one document (Docx)
Generating certificates for each participant
1. Create a .docx (this is the only accepted format) document containing participant merge tags. Everything else in the document can be customized, see sample below.
Participant & Event fields can be added as merge tags, using the following format:
Participant fields: {FIELD_NAME}, e.g. {first_name}, {participant_type}
Event fields: {event.FIELD_NAME}, e.g. {event.conference_type}, {event.owner}
Dear {first_name} {last_name},
Registered as a {participant_type} representing {company_name},
2. Upload the document inside the event, in the Documents module. Make sure to upload this document at Event level, and not Global level.
3. In the Fields manager (at global or event level), create a new field of type "document". You can give it the name of your choice.
4. In the Participants module, select (all of) your participants, click the actions menu, and select the option "Document".
5. In the popup window:
- Select the .docx you uploaded
- Select the type "Create certificates"
- Select the related participant field
- Name the document (you can use merge tags, with the format [[participant.field_name]] (e.g. [[participant.first_name]]
6. Open the detailed view of a participant and search for the related field. Click on download to preview the document.
7. You may allow your participants to download this certificate via a form or webpage. Simply add the field onto a page (and make it read-only by locking it).
Merging participants into one document
1. Create a doc.x (must be doc.x) document containing the text below. Everything else in the document can be customized, see sample below.
{first_name}, {last_name}
2. Upload the document inside the event, in the Documents module. Make sure to upload this document at Event level, and not Global level.
3. In the Participants module, select (all of) your participants, click the actions menu, and select the option "Document".
4. In the popup window, select the option "Merge into one document".
5. You can now download the document of your merged participant list.