Introduction to the Hotels allotment integration
The Hotel allotment integration lets you easily set up Hotels and their rooms, dates, and prices, and allows you to configure a maximum number of available rooms per night.
You can add participants to hotel rooms yourself, or allow them to sign up for rooms themselves in a registration form.
Configuring the integration
To configure your allotment system, move to the Event dashboard -> Event details -> Select view (Hotel A/B/C).
- Fill in the required information, in the fields highlighted in pink.
- When participants sign up for hotel rooms, the fields highlighted in green will automatically be (re)calculated. You do not need to enter any information here, as they are automatically populated and updated.
Participants then need to fill in the following fields:
- hotel_allotment_select
- hotel_allotment_roomtypeselect
- hotel_allotment_checkindate
- hotel_allotment_checkoutdate
What happens when participants sign up for hotel rooms
The following happens when a participant signs up for a room:
- "hotel_allotment_a/b/c_total_price" is updated with the total cost of the participants' sign-ups for this hotel
- "hotel_allotment_a/b/c_night1_booked" is updated with the total number of sign-ups for this hotel and night
- "hotel_allotment_a/b/c_night1_available" is updated with the remaining number of rooms available for this night, for this hotel and night