Dependencies were designed to enhance segmentation capabilities. They allow for a tailored and dynamic user experience, ensuring that the right content is displayed to the right audience at the right time, on your events' websites.
By using dependencies, you can define specific conditions based on various data points, such as participant fields, event details, session information, and products. These conditions determine whether certain parts of the website are shown or hidden. This includes content like text, images, fields, activities, and products.
Dependencies cannot be used in emails.
For example:
- You could decide that accommodation-related sections will appear only if the participant answered a previous field "Do you need an accommodation" with "Yes".
- You could decide that an activity or ticket will appear only if the participant field "Participant type" was set to "Sponsor"
Watch our tutorial video on Dependencies
Creating and managing dependencies
Dependencies can be created and managed in the Dependencies submodule (in the Contents module, at event level) and directly inside the website builder (Dependency button in the top right corner).
You can work with a number of data points (participant fields, event fields, activities, products etc.) and condition types (equals, contains, is less than, is different from, etc.), helping you create very precise dependencies and segmentations.
You can update dependencies (names, conditions) at any time.
Dependency logic operators explained
General operators
- Is equal to (case sensitive)
Checks if a value exactly matches another value, considering letter casing.
Example: "Apple" is equal to "Apple" (true), but "Apple" is not equal to "apple" (false).
- Is different from
Returns true if a value does not exactly match another value.
Example: "Apple" is different from "Orange" (true).
- Contains / Is one of
Checks if a value exists within a list or contains a specified substring.
Example: "Banana" is one of ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"] (true).
- Does not contain / Is not one of
Returns true if a value is not part of a list or does not include a specified substring.
Example: "Mango" is not one of ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"] (true).
- Is empty
Checks if a field has no value or is blank.
Example: A user’s "middle name" field is empty if it has no data.
- Is not empty
Returns true if a field contains any value, even a single character.
Example: A user’s "last name" field is not empty if it has "Smith".
Numerical operators
- Is less than
Returns true if one number is smaller than another.
Example: 5 is less than 10 (true).
- Is less or equal to
Returns true if one number is smaller than or equal to another.
Example: 5 is less or equal to 5 (true).
- Is greater than
Returns true if one number is larger than another.
Example: 10 is greater than 5 (true).
- Is greater or equal to
Returns true if one number is larger than or equal to another.
Example: 10 is greater or equal to 10 (true).
Date operators
- After
Checks if a given date occurs later than another date.
Example: 2025-01-13 is after 2025-01-01 (true).
- Before
Checks if a given date occurs earlier than another date.
Example: 2025-01-01 is before 2025-01-13 (true).
Applying a dependency
To apply a dependency to parts of your website, click on section to open its settings, and select your dependency from the Dependency setting.
- Activities: To apply a dependency to an activity (the activity will be visible only if the condition is met), open the Activities module and enter the activity detailed view -> Activity settings -> Dependency.
- Products: To apply a dependency to a product (the product will be visible only if the condition is met), open the Tickets and products module (Event level) -> Product groups -> Actions menu (3 dots) -> Dependency.
Testing a dependency
Open your website and fill out the form as if you were a participant, then select the relevant values and you will see the section(s) appear and disappear based on the selected value (whether the dependency's condition is met or now)