When an event is created the available fields with their correspondent information are available in the "event details" section. In this section a "create view" option will be displayed.
These fields list information about the entire event, such as it's name, Start date, End date, and more.
Creating a view allows you to restrict the fields a certain type of user can see depending on their clearance.
To create a view hit the create a view button and a window will pop up. You may decide to use this view only for this event or in all events.
Once you click on continue you can start choosing which fields are relevant for this view. For example, if you want to create a view where a user can only see the start and end date of the event, the name of the event, and the address, you would have to drag and drop these fields from the list on the right into the box on the left.
You can also select the "read-only" option which restricts the user from editing the information in the fields.
Once it´s all set up you can see your new view with the information you selected. The view is always editable, jut click the "edit view" button on the top right corner next to your selected view.
If you are interested in restricting Users inside of any and all modules, refer to this article: Roles