Themes let you format the styling of your event website pages and forms, your emails, and the engagement app. These include layouts, colors, icons, and fonts, to seamlessly fit the look and feel of your company or event branding. It can be applied on any page/form/email/app, regardless of the content. Themes use CSS.
Themes are created separately for websites (used for pages and forms), emails, and the engagement app.
Website Themes
Website themes can be used in the Website builder when creating pages or forms. Simply navigate to the Website Module and click on the Pages tab. You can press on the Plus button to add a website page, and add a theme to it so that your web page will have a particular theme design that you will have chosen.
You can change an existing page's theme in its Actions menu.
Email themes
Email themes can be used in the Email marketing module, when creating an email campaign. You can also change an existing email's theme in its detailed view, in the Design tab.
Engagement app themes
Engagement app themes can be set in the Activity management -> Engagement settings module.Click the Design settings button and you will be able to apply one of your existing themes to the Engagement app.