Introduction to processes
Processes let you automate actions in Azavista. These can be, for example, sending an email to an email address in particular whenever the value of an event field is updated, or operating a webhook based on the value of a field.
Processes are very flexible and can be as complex as you need them to be, as they allow you to create a near-infinite combination of conditions, actions, and delays.
At Global level, processes are divided into 4 Categories: Event processes, Participant processes, Contact processes, and Organization processes.
At Event level, processes are divided into 2 Categories: Event processes & Participant processes. For more information on Event level-specific processes.
Creating a new process and defining the initial trigger
To create a new process, first select the relevant process category and click the button + Process. You can give the process the name of your choice.
Once this is done, click on the actions menu to define how will this process be triggered.
For Contact processes, for example, you may trigger a process whenever a contact has been created/updated ("Object change trigger"), or when it (un)subscribed from an email marketing campaign.
Click the process to proceed with the Process builder.
The process builder
There are 4 process blocks: Action, Query, Wait, and Stage/finish
- Action (green): Creates an action for your process (e.g. Send an email to an event manager)
- Query (blue): Creates a condition for your process (e.g. The value of the Participant field "Country" must be "Netherlands")
- Wait (yellow): Delays the action of the process (e.g. Send the email 3 days before the start of the event
- Event level only Stage/finish (purple): After the action is performed, put the participant in a different stage.
You may also create conditions depending on other conditions (i.e. linking a query to another query, you can add as many query levels as needed.)
The Emails created from the Email templates submodule are used by Global processes that require the sending of an email.
Nesting blocks
Nesting a block is performed by dragging and dropping blocks slightly on the right under a Query block. This is done in order to trigger the other blocks only if the Query condition has first been met (see example below.)
Samples of processes
Event processes
- "Object change trigger" = Update & Create
- When an Event field checkbox is ticked, send an email to a specific email address
- 3 days before the start of an event, add a team to the event
- If the name of an event contains a specific word, synchronize the event details fields with an external CRM
Participant / Contact processes
- "Object change trigger" = Update & Create
- Depending on the value of the field "Country" of a participant/contact, send a specific email to this participant/contact
- Depending on the value combination of a Participant/Contact Multiselect field, operate a webhook
Organization processes
- "Object change trigger" = Update & Create
- If the "Industry group" field of an Organization matches a specific value, set the value for the field "Manual approval required" to "Yes"
Event process sample: When an Event field checkbox is ticked, send an email to a specific email address
Organization process sample: If the "Industry group" field of an Organization matches a specific value, set the value for the field "Manual approval required" to "Yes"