This article provides a comprehensive guide to getting started with event branding using the Themes module, covering how to create, customize, and apply themes to your event’s websites, emails, and apps.
By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of the key features available for designing a unique and cohesive look and feel, ensuring your event branding is visually consistent and engaging across all participant-facing platforms.
1. Navigate to the Themes module at Global level, click on create a new theme (in the website or emails tab), then enter the name of the theme, past the CSS code of the theme, and assign a team to it.
2. In the detailed view of the Assets tab you can upload all sorts of content to be used for your theme, including notably the Header's logo.
3. To update the logo of the website header (in emails, you can directly double click the header's logo to update it), follow these steps:
a. Upload the logo to the Assets tab, and copy the assets part (e.g. /asset/65c8d86e6973383bec2afb03/Logo%20-%20azavistalogo.png)
b. Back to the theme tab, update the following lines with the /asset/ part:
- :root {:
- -logo-header: url("/asset/xxxxxxxx");
- e.g. -logo-header: url("/asset/65c8d86e6973383bec2afb03/Logo%20-%20azavistalogo.png");
- .aza-theme.aza-header.section-header-light .aza-image-wrapper {:
- background-image:url('/asset/xxxxxxxx')
- e.g. background-image:url('/asset/65c8d86e6973383bec2afb03/Logo%20-%20azavistalogo.png')
4. Make sure to click on save when you are done, then navigate to the Content module at Event level (of the event of your choice). In the overview of pages or emails, select all the relevant pages, click the 3 dots, and select "Change theme" to apply your theme. Should you need to change your theme to another one, you can repeat this step to quickly switch it.
5. You can now preview your theme by opening the website/email builder, or by opening the actual website or sending yourself the actual emails.
Creating a theme, A to Z