What are field types and their settings in Azavista?
Azavista offers a variety of field types and settings to tailor data collection and management for events, participants, and organizations. These customizable options range from text and email fields to ratings and file uploads, ensuring flexibility for diverse needs.
Additionally, field settings allow users to control visibility, behavior, and integration across events and the CRM. This article details the available field types and settings to help you maximize the platform's functionality.
Field settings
Settings for each field can be accessed in the field's detailed view, in the "Rights" tab. These can be updated at anytime.
Required for planners
- A value must be entered by the user in the field (mandatory field in the backend, not for participants).
Show field in create popup
- When first creating an event/organization/contact/participant, this field will appear in the creation popup window.
Always update CRM contact value to Event participant value (Global level only)
- When the value of a field is updated for a Contact, it will update the information for the participant version of this person across all existing events.
Visible for planners (Event level only)
- Enable or disable the field for this event. If disabled, the field cannot be seen/used anywhere in the event (e.g. overview and detailed view of participants, web builder, custom processes, etc.)
Field types
Field type: Text
- Any input can be entered in this field type
- A minimum and/or a maximum value can be set
- The area of the text can be set to Default or Large
Field type: Email
- The input must be a valid email address format (e.g. xxxxx@yyy.com)
- A minimum and/or a maximum value can be set
- Specific domains can be disabled
Field type: Select
- Multiple values can be entered, only one can be selected. An empty value can be included.
- Each value can be translated (the translation will appear depending on the language selected on the website)
- Can be displayed with radio buttons
- You can pause a value in the field's tab "Field validation" to grey it out on forms - Participants won't be able to select it, until it's enabled again.
Field type: Multiselect
- Multiple values can be entered, and multiple values can be selected. An empty value can be included.
- Each value can be translated (the translation will appear depending on the language selected on the website)
- You can pause a value in the field's tab "Field validation" to grey it out on forms - Participants won't be able to select it, until it's enabled again.
Field type: Number & Integer
- The value must be a number, it can be a decimal number
- A minimum and/or a maximum value can be set
- Multiples of a number only can be allowed (e.g. only multiples of 2)
- Integer: The value must be a whole number
Field type: Date
- The value must be a date (a calendar is included in this field to select the date)
- An earliest and latest selectable date can be set
Field type: Date-time
- The value must be date-time (a calendar with a clock is included in this field to select the date-time)
- An earliest and latest selectable date-time can be set
Field type: Time
- The value must be a selected time (a clock is included in this field to select the time)
- An earliest and latest selectable time can be set
Field type: Checkbox
- The checkbox can be checked or left unchecked
Field type: Image
- An image format can be uploaded in this field
- The Aspect ratio, max width, and max height can be set
Field type: Document
- Any type of file can be uploaded in this field
Field type: URL
- The value must be in a valid URL format (e.g. http://xxxxxxx.com or https://xxxxxxx.com)
Field type: Opinion scale & Rating
- A value from 1 to X can be entered (the Maximum value is specified by the user)