"Action" blocks as part of processes make the system perform a specific action (e.g. sending an email.)
Event-specific processes
Set field
- Set the value of a field
- e.g: Set the value of the field "Role" to "Manager"
Add team
- Add a team to an event
Remove team
- Remove a team from an event
Set date-time field to current time
- Note: Field type must be date-time
- Add the current date & time inside the field
Set (date-)time field to current time
- Note: Field type must be time or date-time
- The (date)time value inside this field will be populated relatively to the event start (date)time
- e.g: The custom field "Event booking date" will be populated with a date-time 30 days earlier to the field "Start"
- Trigger a webhook
Send generic email
- Send an email to any email address
Set reference number
- Note: Field type must be text
- Add a random reference number into the field
Send to external CRM
- Send the event details to an external CRM
Copy event dates
- Note: Field type must be date-time
- Copy the event start & end dates to other custom
Participant-specific processes
Copy event text field to participant
- Note: FIeld type must be text
- Copy the text inside an event field into a participant field
Send to external CRM
- Send the event details to an external CRM
- Trigger a webhook
Generate certificate
- Create certificates
- See the dedicated article for more more information on certificates
Message to participant
- Send a text message
- Send an event app push notification
Contact-specific processes
Set field
- Set the value of a field
- e.g: Set the value of the field "Role" to "Manager"
General email
- Send an email to any email address
Send email
- Send an email to this contact
Set date-time field to current time
- Note: Field type must be date-time
- Add the current date & time inside the field
- Trigger a webhook
Set reference number
- Note: Field type must be text
- Add a random reference number into the field
Send to external CRM
- Send the event details to an external CRM
Message to contact
- Send a text message to the contacts
Add to event
- Add the contacts to an event
Organization-specific processes
Set field
- Set the value of a field
- e.g: Set the value of the field "Role" to "Manager"
Set date-time field to current time
- Note: Field type must be date-time
- Add the current date & time inside the field
- Trigger a webhook
Set reference number
- Note: Field type must be text
- Add a random reference number into the field
Send to external CRM
- Send the event details to an external CRM